Horse riding is only allowed on a saddled and bridled horse carrying no more than one rider.

It is prohibited for horses to be guided or ridden on the beach or in the dunes by a child under the age of 14.  However, this age limit will be reduced to 12 years of age for horse riders, provided that they are accompanied by a rider over the age of 21.

Riding a horse on public roads is allowed from the age of 14. This age limit will be reduced to 12 years of age, provided that they are accompanied by a rider over the age of 21. When an equestrian centre organises a guided trail, the group must be accompanied by a supervisor of at least 16 years old.

Inside the built-up area, cantering is always prohibited. 

The horses’ supervisors or riders are always responsible for disposing of their animals’ excrement.

Every ridden horse on the beach must wear an identification, registered number, or license plate of 6 by 6 inches, which must be visible at all times on both sides, and which must indicate the letters 'MI’ and an identification number.  The identification must be applied in black letters (minimum 2 inches) on a white background. The mentioned identification plates will be supplied at cost by the municipal council, who will also keep a register of names associated with the supplied identifications in order to identify the owner or rider of the associated animal. The plates can also be applied directly by the municipal equestrian centres, provided that the numbers are communicated to the municipal council to prevent double use.

The municipal council will provide special identification numbers to the equestrian centres for individuals or groups who stay in the region for maximum 1 week.  The equestrian centres can supply these numbers if all conditions are met. The temporary numbers can also be collected at the municipal council in exchange of a deposit.

The owners or operators must be insured against possible accidents with a legally recognised insurance company.

Horse riding is always prohibited:

  • on the beach above the high waterline, except when crossing it to reach the waterline. This must be done at a walking pace using the shortest possible route. The same is valid for leaving the beach and/or the waterline.
  • In the dunes, except on the designated bridle paths.
  • Outside of the Easter holidays, Whitsun holidays, and the period of 1 June to 15 September, horses may be ridden on the beach.
  • During the Easter holidays, Whitsun holidays, and the period of 1 June to 15 September, horses may only be ridden in the following areas:
  • From 19:30h to 24:00h between the breakwater at Paul Houyouxstraat and Zeedijk nr. 300 (Grand Hotel Bellevue - de Rotonde).
  • From 19:30h to 24:00h between the breakwater at Strandlaan and Nieuwpoort.

The horse riding regulations do not apply to police officers on horseback, horses used for fishing, or horses ridden by employees of an approved security company.