In 2001, the statue of Urbanus and Nabuko Donosor, his dog-like heat ride, was unveiled. This statue was formed after the cartoon character Urbanus. However, Urbanus is world famous in Flanders and the Netherlands for a lot more than comic strips.

Urbanus (° 1949), real name Urbain Servranckx, is a creative centipede. Originally under the name 'Urbanus van Anus' he knew in the early seventies as a comedian to charm the audience with his absurd, sometimes vulgar humor. Music was his passion at the beginning and his first album 'Urbanus van Anus leevend' immediately accounted for five hit singles. His most famous songs, however, remain Bakske full of straw (1979), Madammen with a fur coat (1980) and Poesje Stoei (1995).

Together with artist Willy Linthout he started the comic series Urbanus in 1982, where the fictional youth of the young Urbanus in Tollembeek is revealed. The series is still running and now contains more than 150 albums. Then he successfully ventured into a career in the film world. He was the basis of some popular TV programs. He then returned to the comic strips and created, among others, De Geverniste Vernepelingskes (1998) with Jan Bosschaert and Dirk Stallaert.

Artist: Luc Cauwenberghs

Location: Zeedijk at the Arthur De Greefplein