Geloof en bijgeloofGeloof en bijgeloof

Geloof en bijgeloof

Fietsroute van 26 km

IG RouteIG Route


What do you think is the most beautiful places in Middelkerke? Do you still know an unprecedented polder landscape? a hidden, stately building? the location to photograph a sunset? Let us know!

Kwelduivels en plaaggeestenKwelduivels en plaaggeesten

Kwelduivels en plaaggeesten

Fietsroute van 31 km

Mountainbikeroute Norbert DedeckereMountainbikeroute Norbert Dedeckere

Mountainbikeroute Norbert Dedeckere

A beautiful route of about 30 kilometers with technical singel tracks, winding through the beautiful dunes of Middelkerke / Westende.

Selfiebank Selfiebank


Do you like selfies? Do you like to take a picture with BV's? Then you should definitely come to the sea dike of Westende at the Meeuwenlaan! Aunt Sidonia is sitting on a selfie couch with behind it the most beautiful background that you could wish for. Share your photos with the hashtag #MachtigMiddelkerke!



fietsroute van 36 km