Curator of the exhibition is Els Wuyts. For her, contemporary visual art is a passion that constantly triggers her both professionally and privately. Els is a co-curator of the Bruges Triennial. For this summer exhibition she selected several works by 7 Belgian artists who give the small museum a refreshing injection of contemporary art.
A word from our curator
“My assignment for Villa Les Zéphyrs has, in a way, the same dynamics as the Triennial: laying a new layer in the protected, almost closed cocoon that Villa Les Zéphyrs has been for so long.
As an exhibition maker, I look for works that surprise and refresh us and that change our view of what lies ahead. I'm not looking for confrontation here. I certainly don't underestimate what other culture makers pull out of their hats, but for me contemporary art tells the message best. You will feel that in my selection.
I have been a fan of Les Zéphyrs for so long. The striking tension between coastal tourism and the loveliness of the villa, the feminine touch and the beautiful interior are fantastic. It is a comfort zone. The plan to bring in contemporary art there appealed to me. I didn't hesitate for a second.
I chose 7 artists that I believe can realize that refreshment. They bring paintings, photos, sculptures and installations to the homely atmosphere of yesteryear.
The intention is that the people who know Villa Les Zéphyrs would like to come back. The conviviality and atmosphere remain untouched. We deliberately did not come up with a separate title to keep the core values of Villa Les Zéphyrs central. At the most we put a new, contemporary layer on the story. Hence the hashtag.
This exhibition will not be a "bling bling in your face". There is a mysterious aspect, because some artists have an unknown relationship with Les Zéphyrs or Westende. Perhaps, thanks to the exhibition, we can uncover that hidden relationship so that Westende gets a new artistic lifeline.”